
Agents National Title Insurance Company


Agents National Title Insurance Company (ANTIC) was founded in 2005 with the purpose of serving independent Title agents. ANTIC was founded on the philosophy that the best underwriting of real estate transactions is performed by the most experienced local people. ANTIC does not have direct operations, instead Title insurance is written exclusively through local Title agents. ANTIC’s web platform allows Title agents to be more efficient while ANTIC can focus on hiring the best industry staff to provide timely underwriting support. ANTIC’s stringent agent approval process has resulted in one of the best agent portfolios in the industry. Focus on properly identifying risk in all areas of operation from underwriting to agency support to investments and the corresponding mitigation of those risks help ANTIC navigate through the cyclical challenges of the real estate market. To learn more about ANTIC or to become an agent, visit www.agentstitle.com.

Seamlessly integrate with your underwriter’s policy production and accounting system.

Company Overview

Fewer clicks. Faster results. Agents National Title offers underwriting services to independent title agents throughout the United States. Agents National Title was chartered in 2005, and since inception our focus has been on creating efficiency for the title agent while providing superior underwriting services. Agents National Title is now fully integrated with RamQuest’s Closing Market allowing title agents to obtain CPLS, commitment jackets, and policy jackets without leave their software. The Closing Market integration focuses on secure data transmission increasing efficiency and eliminating duplicate data entry. 

"Agents National Title is dedicated to providing title agents the most efficient and accurate tools to produce, report, and remit title policies. Our integration with RamQuest saves the agent time and money in interacting with us."
                           David Townsend 

Closing Market Integrations

States Served

AK, KS, IN, IL, MO, NE and TN

Contact Information


